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Power Line Hazards Certification Training is a legal requirement for operators of boom trucks, mobile cranes and other similar equipment. The training covers basic knowledge about electricity, electrical hazards, and safety measures when working in proximity to transition lines above and underground. It also teaches participants what to do when equipment becomes charged with an electrical current and reviews all appropriate legislative requirements.
This training must be renewed every three years.
SafetyNL will use this interactive platform to help your organization prepare a crisis communications strategy to present a strong, identifiable voice in times of crisis. We know that crisis can occur in large and small communities. This workshop will give you the tools and techniques to use when things go wrong and let you stay ahead of the crisis. This could be the best $99.00 investment you could make for you organization and your personnel.
Have your people trained, in the comfort of their home or office, about how to handle the toughest media questions. Our workshop will teach them the skills of working with the media and how to get your messages across in the most difficult situations. When things go wrong, the media will show up and you need to be prepared. This could be the best $99.00 investment you could make for you organization and your personnel.
The OHS Committee Level One training includes the following:
- Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety
- Hazard Recognition, Evaluation, and Control
- Workplace Inspections
- Incident Investigations
Following this training, individuals should have the knowledge required to fulfill their duties and responsibilities per the OHS Act and Regulations.
Please note that Level 1 is required for workplaces with less than 10 employees, and is a prerequisite for Level 2, which is required for workplaces with 10 or more employees.
The OHS Committee Level Two training is required for workplaces that employ 10 or more employees. This training will ensure that OHS Committee members are able to fulfill the duties and responsibilities laid out by the OHS Act and Regulations.
OHS Committee Members are responsible for:
- Monitoring occupational health and safety in the workplace
- Acting as good role models, mentors, and taking a proactive role in the promotion of health and safety in the workplace
- Playing a major role in the development of a sustainable positive culture in the workplace alongside the employer and other workers
Training includes:
- Core OHS Concepts
- Essentials of Committees
- Hazard Recognition, Evaluation, and Control
- Making it Effective
Please note that participants are required to have completed Level 1 before participating in Level 2 training.
September 28, 2021
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Safety NL (formerly Safety Services NL)
3 Moffatt Road, Mount Pearl)
(Our building is located directly behind Lester Lube/Mobil Lube Express -
on one end of our building is Fudoshin Aikikai and we are
located on the opposite end with the entrance on the side of the
Parking is at the rear of our building only - DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE
BUILDING - those parking spaces belong to Mobil Lube Express.
We require 48 hours' notice otherwise there is no transfer or refund.
754-0210 or 1-877-754-0210.
This course will introduce the concepts and techniques used in the discipline of occupational hygiene. You will be given the chance to examine sampling tools and data gathering methods. Discussions will include how to hire an occupational hygienist, selection of sampling equipment and how to interpret and communicate sampling results. Course topics include: Occupational Hygiene History, Basic Statistics and Chemistry, Physiology, Air Contaminants, Temperature Stress, Noise, Basic Ergonomics, Internal Air Quality (IAQ) and IAQ Limits.
This course would be of particular interest to safety professionals, industrial hygiene professionals and those that want a greater understanding of hygiene issues in the workplace.
Every day, workplace incidents cause harm to people, property, quality, production, the environment and business profits. An incident investigation is the best way to find the cause of an incident, control the hazard and prevent similar incidents and further harm or loss. This course will give you an understanding of the benefits and goals of an incident investigation, as well as methods for conducting effective incident investigations to prevent recurring incidents.
This course outlines the main components of the Canada Labour Code (
The goal of certification training is to give OHS committee members and WHS representatives the knowledge and skills required to fulfill their legislated duties and to support their internal responsibility system in preventing occupational injuries and illness, assessing and eliminating hazards, and enhancing health and safety performance.
Our WorkplaceNL approved program provides the knowledge and skillset necessary to interpret the requirements of legislation in order to safely enter and work in confined spaces. Through a combination of theory, exercises, and demonstrations, participants will be able to recognize various hazards and controls associated with working in a confined space that will enable them to carry out their work in a safe and confident manner.
This two day program is designed for anyone who works at heights and uses fall protection equipment. The course focuses on establishing working solutions for fall hazards through several hands-on exercises, Workers discuss and learn proper selection, usage, limitations, maintenance and daily inspection of personal fall arrest systems. Participants are also introduced to specialized fall protection systems such as self-retracting, vertical and horizontal lifelines. This program has been certified by WHSCC.
This one day re-certification program is designed for anyone who works at heights, uses fall protection equipment and has completed an initial WHSCC NL approved two day certification program. The course focuses on establishing working solutions for fall hazards through several hands-on exercises. Workers discuss and learn proper selection, usage, limitations, maintenance and daily inspection of personal fall arrest systems. Participants are also introduced to specialized fall protection systems such as self-retracting, vertical and horizontal lifelines. This program has been certified by WHSCC NL.
This one day recert program MUST be completed PRIOR to the expiration date on your certificate otherwise you will be requried to complete the two day program again. You are required to provide proof to Safety Services NL that your Fall Protection certification has not yet expired.
This course focuses on safe practices and procedures for forklift operators using multimedia presentations, performance exercises and group discussions designed to reduce accidents and injuries to workers. It is a comprehensive classroom program combined with a practical, hands on component suitable for both experienced and novice operators.
Recognizing, evaluating and controlling hazards are the basic building blocks of any safety and health management system. Hazards cause incidents and injury - controlling hazards prevents incidents. This course will introduce the concepts of hazard and risk and teach you how to identify hazards, evaluate hazards by assessing risk and control hazards.
More than 600,000 Canadians are injured on the job every year - and nearly three-quarters of them are employed in physical labour-driven industries. Many of these workers suffer injuries because of improperly locked out machinery. At the end of this course, you will have all the tools to ensure you aren't one of them. The workshop will cover four topics to help you understand and apply proper lockout procedures: lockout requirements, legal requirements, setting up an energy program and implementing an energy control program.
A Job Task Analysis is an important safety tool to identify hazards and assess risk in work procedures. The information from a Job Task Analysis is used to develop a comprehensive Safe Work Procedure (SWP) to ensure work does not cause injury, illness or property damage. This course will teach you how to conduct a Job Task Analysis and write a Safe Work Procedure. The workshop is designed to include you as much as possible in the learning experience.
Safety and the Supervisor helps supervisors understand their roles and responsibilities. Supervisors contribute greatly to an organization's safety culture and play a special part - they are the members of the management team who interact with employees most often, report back to management and instil a strong regard for safety on a daily basis. This course helps supervisors plan, organize, lead and control while providing safety training, resources and support and adequate supervision.
This course is designed to educate a worker, supervisor, or manager on the major elements of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System program. Participants are taught how to implement a WHMIS Program in compliance with existing legislation and leave with a comprehensive plan for providing information on the safe use of hazardous materials. The course will cover control measures, classification, labels, MSDS and education and training of other employees.
This course is designed to provide employers and employees the knowledge necessary to meet the regulatory requirements of the Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations. It is delivered in an interactive format including discussions, presentations and practical exercises. Curriculum is general in nature so as to meet the needs of participants having a variety of TDG related duties. Content is focused on the concept of TDG, how it applies to all modes of transport and how other regulations and standards interact to safely transport dangerous goods in Canada. Our instructor for this course has more than 27 years of regulatory experience including twelve years directly with the transportation of dangerous goods.